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3 Ways to Maintain Your Fitness Levels


3 Ways to Maintain Your Fitness Levels


Once you’ve taken the first step toward getting fit, it can be difficult to keep that momentum going and to stay on track with your fitness goals. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies you can take to maintain your fitness levels in the long run.


1) Set a routine

If you want to maintain your fitness levels, you need to set a routine and stick to it. A good routine should include some form of cardio, strength training, and stretching. Cardio can be anything from running to swimming to dancing. Strength training can be lifting weights or using your own body weight for resistance. And finally, stretching is important for flexibility and injury prevention. Some people like stretching before they work out and others prefer to stretch after they exercise. It's important that you find what works best for you so that your muscles don't get too tight. When your muscles are tight, they're more prone to injuries. Make sure you take care of yourself by eating healthy and getting enough sleep as well. Exercise will not do much if you neglect the other aspects of health.


2) Keep Track of your progress

No matter what your fitness goals are, it's important to keep track of your progress along the way. This will help you stay motivated and on track, and it will also give you a clear picture of how far you've come. Setting attainable goals is key in this area too- don't go into the process thinking that you'll lose 20 pounds in two weeks or that you'll be able to bench press 300 pounds after a few months. The more realistic your expectations are, the better off you'll be! You can use apps like My Fitness Pal or Spark People for tracking food intake and exercise (respectively). These will also allow you to set your own custom goals, which is especially helpful if you're just starting out. Take some time for yourself: If you want to maintain your fitness levels long term, taking time for yourself is essential. Don't rely on working out alone as the only means of stress relief- take a walk outside when things get tough at work, play with your dog when he needs attention, meditate every day so that life doesn't pass by without stopping. In general, though, try not to wear yourself out with strenuous activities all day every day; balance hard work with some rest time where possible.


3) Adopt a high intensity workout plan

High intensity interval training is a great way to maintain your fitness levels. This type of workout plan is effective because it keeps your heart rate up and burns more calories in a shorter amount of time. Plus, it's easy to do at home with little equipment needed. Try sprinting for 30 seconds followed by 2 minutes of low-intensity exercise like walking or slow jogging. Repeat the sequence 8 times for one high-intensity workout session! Adopt a mind-body workout: Yoga has become an increasingly popular form of fitness for many people. While yoga is often seen as something you do during pregnancy, there are so many benefits from doing yoga on a regular basis that it can be incorporated into any healthy lifestyle. There are many different types of yoga, but some common forms include Hatha Yoga (a gentle practice), Vinnitsa Yoga (a flowing series of poses) and Bikram Yoga (a hot room). You can even find free YouTube videos to help guide you through some basic exercises!

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