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Relationship between Niece and Aunt

The Inherent Specialness of the Aunt-Niece Relationship

Have you noticed that the special relationship between an aunt and her niece or nephew can be different from that between an uncle and his niece or nephew? Why is that? In this article, we’ll explore what makes this relationship so different in many ways and why it can be so close, at the same time. Aunts, uncles, and their nieces and nephews will all learn something from this article! First, though, let’s look at some statistics about the role of aunts in their nieces’ lives.

What is special about the nieces & nephews?

Sibling relationships are complicated, with difficult dynamics and compromises and temperamental differences. Aunts and uncles don't have to deal with those things. They have a special bond that is missing in many children's lives because they are able to fill roles as friends, confidantes, trusted authorities--but they also understand what it's like to be family which gives them an added advantage. With their nieces or nephews who they can see at any time, they share responsibilities like birthday parties, weekends together or watching movies together while eating popcorn.

What do nieces & nephews get out of their aunt?

Aunts and uncles are crucial figures in their nieces' and nephews' lives. They help children establish an understanding of who they are as individuals, as well as provide them with a constant feeling of belonging. Uncles (and aunts!) also provide young people with a lifelong friend, family member, or mentor to go to when they need guidance or advice. An aunt's love is something that can never be replaced, no matter how much time has passed since she last held you. I am confident in saying that the very best gift that my niece could give me would be for her to grow up and have a fulfilling life where she finds her calling in life; I could not ask for anything more from her.

How can you be a better aunt?

Many people have been asked, What is an aunt? The answer might be relatively straightforward if you are a mother, but not necessarily so if you are a father. Even though an aunt is usually someone's sister, or brother's wife, that doesn't mean that she can't be your husband's sister. Regardless of whether it's through blood or marriage, becoming an aunt is an exciting and meaningful milestone in one's life.


In this essay I have explored my experiences as an aunt to my niece and how those experiences have shaped me. I'm grateful for all that I've learned, it has brought me even more love and joy. I think one thing people don't realize is that there's a power dynamic inherent in this relationship; if they are as invested in you as you are in them then they will see things your way just because they want to make you happy. They'll find ways to like what you like, understand when you make mistakes because it doesn't reflect on who they are. It was an emotional experience when she called me Mommy for the first time, but there was so much love involved that it couldn't be considered anything but perfect.

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